Professional Resume Writers and Coaches
Become An SC&C CareerWebFolio© Affiliate
Would You Like To:
Earn More Income?
Provide Your Clients An Even Stronger Brand?
Position Your Clients to Negotiate Better Packages?
Add Exciting Product To Your Current Offerings?
Differentiate Yourself From Your Competition?
By adding our CareerWebFolio© to your own portfolio of offerings, you provide your clients with something of great value, to help them in their job or career transition. Our clients negotiate larger packages because of their Career WebFolio© because their value is clear.
For over 17 years, executives using the CareerWebFolio© continue tell us their customized CareerWebFolio© helps them better demonstrate their value proposition to hiring authorities, leads to meaningful interviews, and better positions them to negotiate larger financial packages.
How it Works:
- Fill out the “Become An Affiliate” Form and we will call you.
- In a hurry to lean more? 602-385-3000 EXT. 314.
- You will be assigned a unique code for discounts.
- We will send you forms for you to review with your client.
- Send us the resume you’ve written and the completed forms.
- We email a custom CareerWebFolio© draft to you in seven business days.
- Review the draft, make changes, and the document is posted online.
- Actual client examples can be provided when we speak with you.
- Each client CareerWebFolio™ can be customized.
- We pay excellent referral fees – call us!
If you are a resume writer, branding expert, or career coach, or are in the job and career transition industry, and you would like to add this custom service to your current portfolio, and additional income to your bottom line, please email us and we will call you back to discuss your needs.
Please send your email inquiry to: CareerWebFolio@stewartcoopercoon.com OR, call 602-385-3000 EXT. 314, leave a message, and we will call you within 1 business day.
Become an Affiliate:

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